Burren Pine Project Visit, Ballyvaughan

October 26, 2024

Start: 2:30 pm 

Finish: 3:30 am

Ballyvaughan, Co.Clare.

An open day for Burren Pine Project investors to come and see one our Burren pine mini-woodlands sites in the company of volunteers who are looking after it.

We look forward to the opportunity to show you how the trees are doing and answer any questions you may have on the project and our management and care of these sites. 

Please do bear in mind that there are currently 9 fully planted project sites and you will be visiting one of them.

Admission: Booking link will be sent to pine project investors

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The Burrenbeo Trust is a landscape charity dedicated to connecting people and place. Our aim is to help all of us identify ways in which we care for our places.

This is carried out through providing information, education, active conservation and supporting research on the future sustainable management of the Burren region.
Burrenbeo Trust
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